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CNC Machining Services

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CNC Machining Services

Machining is a subtractive manufacturing process since it starts with a block of stock material or workpiece removing materials using different tools to get the final designed shape, dimensional accuracy and surface finish. The machining process is to include turning, milling, planning, grinding, boring, drilling, tapping, reaming, sawing etc.  

CNC (computer Numeric Controlled) machining (milling or turning) utilizes automated machine tools that are operated by computers rather than being manually controlled. Atlas Metal provides CNC machining services to produce custom metal parts in accordance with customers’ design. If customer just has a conceptual sketch on the cigarette paper or napkin, it is no problem for our engineering team. Our team can create a CAD model per the customers’ concept. After getting the customers’ confirmed, our skilled operator is converting the CAD file to a CNC program with inputting the data through a series of commands that can be interpreted by the CNC machines.


CNC machining vs the machining operated manually; it has the advantages as follows:

  • Efficiency: Aside from the need for periodic maintenance, CNC machines can operate almost continuously. One person can oversee the operation of several CNC machines at a time.
  • Ease of Use: CNC machines are easier to use than lathes and milling machines and greatly reduce the likelihood of human error.
  • Easy to upgrade: Software changes and updates make it possible to expand the machine's capabilities rather than replace the whole machine.
  • No prototyping: New designs and parts can be programmed directly into a CNC machine, eliminating the need to build a prototype.
  • Precision: Parts made on a CNC machine are identical to each other.
  • Waste reduction: CNC programs can plan the lay out of the pieces to be machined on the material to be used. This allows the machine to minimize wasted material.

Our CNC Machining can import your drawings at .STEP, .IGES, .X-T and .DXF files, along with .PDF drawing files.